Category:Parts Archives - West End Nissan
Tips to Take Care of Your Car

Tips to Take Care of Your Car As winter quickly approaches, we need to be prepared and mindful of the various situations that may occur. That’s why being prepared for the winter season is essential. Contact our service centre and ask them how they can help get your vehicle ready for winter. Make sure to […]
How to Jump Start Your Battery

How to Jump Start Your Battery? There may come a time when you're out with your family to watch a movie on a Saturday night. One of your children accidentally leaves the interior light on and exit the vehicle. The movie is long almost 2 hours in length, and by the time you […]
Synthetic vs. Conventional Oil

Synthetic vs. Conventional Oil in Edmonton, AB When you want to keep your vehicle operating at its best, you will want to visit us at West End Nissan and let our friendly associates take care of you and your vehicle. With numerous automotive services available at our dealership, we are confident that we […]
Reasons For Car Battery Overheating

At West End Nissan, we have many automotive services available to help you keep your vehicle running at its best and avoid issues down the road. Our numerous services can help you enjoy a seamless and effortless ownership experience by giving you predictable service internals and the support you need when your vehicle experiences […]
Nissan Altima Check Engine Light Codes

If your check engine light turns on, it can be not very comforting, and typically a bunch of different scenarios start running through your head. That little light can be a source of stress and anguish, but just remember it should not cause you to fear. The CEL can be diagnosed and repaired quite […]
How to Change Battery in Nissan Key Fob

Don’t we all wish someone would invent a lifetime battery, so we never need to change them? Here’s to wishful thinking because we all know that if you are using a battery-powered device, it either needs to be recharged or will eventually require battery replacement. In the automotive industry, when we think of a […]